Sarah Das – Lactation Consultant, Reflexologist and Midwife
My career helping women has been in the UK and Singapore, working both in clinical practice and research. I am a registered midwife and trained nurse and obtained my degree from the University of Wales College of Medicine, Cardiff. I later became an IBCLC (lactation consultant). My various clinical roles include high-risk hospital and community based midwifery, including homebirths and waterbirths and as a research midwife on three large UK projects on planning antenatal care, woman-held maternity records and one of the Confidential Enquiries.
I have always been fortunate to practice in stimulating teaching and learning environments with experts in maternity care and have gained much from these experiences over the years. I have also been privileged to learn from the many, many women I have cared for during their birth experience. Without them I would not be able to offer the service I do today.
I grew up and studied in Wales and imagined that I would always live there. However life led me down another path when I met my husband and I have found myself living in London and Singapore over the last twenty years. I gave birth to our son in Singapore far from home, but with experts who always made me feel supported and cherished. I will always be thankful to them for making my transition to motherhood both happy and fulfilling.
During my years in Singapore I chose to work as a freelance doula, midwife and lactation consultant, in a role that allowed me to give women the support that they needed and wanted in labour – at home and in hospital. Birth preparation, support in labour and help with breastfeeding were a big part of my role.
During my years working with women I realised that reflexology would compliment my practice well and I trained as a reflexologist with the Bayly School in 1995. I have treated men and women and children for the last 20+ years with particular expertise in pregnancy.
I am now permanently based back in Cardiff and currently work Preparing Women for Birth, as a Pregnancy Reflexologist and Supporting Women after Birth as a Lactation Consultant.
Sarah Das. BSc (Hons)
R.M. Trained Nurse, IBCLC, Member BRA & LCGB